Simple Ways to Test Local Area Network Cables

Your setup will be critical in how you figure out your network and test local area network cables. If you want to do this without any tools or technology, you’ll need to follow a few essential steps as you conduct an inspection of your internet setup.

Read on to discover a few simple ways to test local area network cables so that you can fix them anytime.

Interior Investigation

Before jumping to conclusions about what could be wrong with your cables or internet connection, it would be wise to check your computer first. If you open your control panel and find your internet connection, most operating systems will inform you about the strength of your connection. This is the easiest way to begin your inspection. If you don’t appear connected to the internet, you can now look elsewhere. If you are online, you at least know that the cable isn’t the issue.

Exterior Investigation

The next step is to check the ports to see if they are still in place or if there is visible damage. Your cable should fit snuggly, but if it’s loose or any part of the port or plug seems broken, you will need to address this issue. The cable might need a new jack added to it, or it could be that the internal jack of your pc might need repairs or replacement.

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The Lights Are Signs

If you have everything set up and running to test local area network cables, you should pay careful attention to your modem. Most of the time, you’ll have five to six lights, often green or blue. That’s the sign of a healthy internet connection.

However, if your lights aren’t all on or if they blink different colors, this could indicate that your modem isn’t receiving a proper connection. If this is the case, you’ll need to unplug and unhook everything, wait a few minutes, and plug it back in. Wait for the lights to turn back to their usual color, and you should be good to go.

Alternate Cables

Lastly, if you haven’t tried doing so yet, it might be worth your time and effort to change your cable entirely. Changing to a different cable can help you quickly determine if your thread was at fault. Switching out cables can also help you determine which tools allow for the fastest connection. You could use an ethernet patch cable just for this purpose.

Any of these simple ways to test your local area network cables will help you narrow down the source of the trouble. If you’re still struggling to connect, consider calling in a professional.

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