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Top 10 Libraries for Android Developers in 2022

Top 10 Libraries for Android Developers in 2022

Top 10 Libraries for Android Developers in 2022

Ever since its release, Android has been one of the popular operating platforms, and the majority of the devices in the market operate on the Android operating system. Android developers require languages, libraries, and other resources for their development.

In-case you want to start an Android app development company, libraries for android developers will serve as the fundamental part of your mobile application development process. Notwithstanding their inherent nature of well-defined integrations, the Android Frameworks and Libraries represent a collection of installations of behaviors primarily defined by programming languages.

The growing popularity of the Android operating system has led to businesses and entrepreneurs wanting to invest in Android applications that meet user expectations and succeeds in the competitive market. However, the quintessential question is which Android library or framework is the most suitable one for implementation.

This article mentions the top 10 popular libraries for Android Developers in 2022.

What are Android Libraries?

Android libraries can explained as having a similar structure as the Android app module, and it includes resource files, source code, and an Android manifest. If you want to utilize an Android app module instead of an APK on your device, you may use an Android library, which store in an AAR archive file. App modules’ C/C++ code can use C/C++ libraries included in AAR files.

According to StatCounter, Android OS is expected to be worth 71% of market value in 2021. The Android library lets developers offer automated updates at predefined interims via regular notifications. To receive updates, developers could indeed incorporate new functions in developing apps, especially on older versions of devices. It is challenging to update between Android platforms.

How to choose the Best Android Library?

The best Android library for you will be determining by the needs you want to meet with using it. There are various Android libraries based on functionality and features. Here are some factors to consider when deciding on a library.

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High-quality libraries include Picasso, ButterKnife, Retrofit, and Glide. They are the platform’s de facto libraries. These are typically a safe bet, but it is best to double-check factors such as limitations, features, and benefits.

Investigating the author’s credence is an excellent method to evaluate the quality. If the author is usually famous on Github and has numerous Android libraries to his credit, it showcases author’s library-quality credibility.

A lack of transparency and accountability can be dangerous. It is preferable to evaluate and debug the reliability and productivity of the library code.

The use of a library may be restricted by its license. It is a good way of looking into the license to ensure that the terms of the library are followed when integrating the functionalities into the app.

The use of tried-and-true options usually yields the best results. Maintain absolute control over the code so that the library’s basic characteristics can be trading for various use-cases.

An updated README file showcases that the functionalities and the features can be easily incorporated into the application. Furthermore, note that it is a well-organized library.

Top 10 Libraries for Android Developers in 2022

Android libraries, regardless of stack or platform, represent a significant shift in digital software development. You can utilize the technical functionality with less boilerplate code with the best libraries and frameworks. Here is a list of the best 10 Libraries for Android Developers:

  1. ObjectBox:

ObjectBox is a prevalent Android library that enables developers to focus on the features that distinguish their apps instead of retrieval and data storage. This library also contains an object-oriented ingrained database, a fantastic option for SQLite. This is, by chance, well-defined to IoT. It also will save users time by removing several time-consuming tasks and providing a simple and user-friendly data interface. ObjectBox is also intended to reduce the need for app developers to work with SQL.

  1. Navigation:
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Navigation is a framework that allows users the movement of the users in destinations within the Android app streamlined. Utilizing Navigation Library simplifies the creation of navigation in your Android app. Even so, irrespective of the destination implementation, this only tends to work with an application that provides a proper API.

  1. Dagger2:

Dagger has some useful Android apps, and it is also popular amongst the many Android libraries that require dependency injection. A dependency injector library distributes the smaller parts to a different model while simultaneously keeping them together. Larger applications will necessitate more complicated handling of reliant injections. When compiling with annotation processing, Dagger saves a lot of time by creating dependency graphs.

  1. Glide:

Glide is an Android library for displaying and loading images. Bumptech created the Google-backed Android library, which is use in several open-source projects. Glide could indeed collect photos from multiple sources. It manipulates images as well as caches and manages low memory impact. Furthermore, the library supports image transformation and provides retrieval, decoding, and displaying of video calls.

  1. EventBus:

You may encounter several difficulties when developing an Android application with numerous active components that interact with one another. To fix this problem, the best library for Android is EventBus, which has been designed with the publisher/subscriber structure in thought. This library detached event senders and receivers while also streamlining component interactions. It works with Activities, Fragments, and background threads as well.

  1. Lottie:

Lottie is an Android library that parses APIs. Designers can use this library to make beautiful visuals in a single day. It also allows designers and engineers to copy and paste animated films without recreating them manually. This tool also works with solid shapes, masks, Alpha matte trim paths, and dashes. Furthermore, the feature enables Android developers to keep moving forward and backward in time, and most notably, it allows visuals to react to all user interactions.

  1. Butterknife:
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ButterKnife generates boilerplate code for Android using an annotation-based library. Jake Wharton’s highly scalable mobile app library is now much more accessible. Constructing view binding Android libraries can be extremely beneficial to developers. Users may add bindable and drawing strings to their views and other data sources with ease using ButterKnife. This Android library eradicates the need for onClick and onTouch.

  1. Room:

With the official ORM Android library, The Room renders it much simpler and easier to develop offline applications. Furthermore, you make full use of SQLite’s data-handling capabilities. Simple annotations and SQL syntax, together with Rx support and excellent performance, make this ORM package far more user-friendly than others of it’s kind.

  1. WorkManager:

WorkManager is using for tasks that must be run by the system even if the app is closed. This Android library performs deferred background research when the restrictions of the work meet all of the requirements. We can use WorkManager to queue our background work without opening the app and continue working even if the device restarts.

  1. ViewModel:

Data about the UI is stored in the ViewModel library and managed according to the lifetime application. As a result of the ViewModel class, the data can withstand screen rotations and other configuration changes. ViewModel is in charge of the lifecycle of UI controllers, such as fragments and activities.


With so many Android libraries available, Android developers have a plethora of tools at it’s disposal to think outside the box and create the best applications for users. These libraries have the most recent characteristics and thus are useful for Android app development.

You can hire android app developers or an Android app development company, the leading app development company that creates apps that offer a wide range of Android advantages. They provide a wide range of Android services, from app development advice to app development and multi-platform distribution.

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