Top SEO-Friendly Technologies To Build Responsive Websites in 2023

Digital marketing forms an important part of creating an online identity and SEO gives the business the boost it needs on the internet. As per research, SEO brings 1000%+ traffic than organic social media marketing. SEO (Search engine optimization) has become a crucial element of online business marketing. It helps businesses reach thousands of people by ranking in search engines and building online visibility.

So, with an effective SEO strategy, you can reach customers, build brand awareness, and industry leadership for your business with responsive websites. It’s your time to not miss out on prominent SEO techniques of 2023 and unlock the power of SEO for your business.

What is a responsive website?

A website design that adapts to various screen sizes and devices is known to be responsive. It provides your viewers with an ideal experience on your website– from navigation to purchases. Further, if your website is responsive, it will adjust itself to the user’s device screen like a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

Your responsive websites may use a combination of flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries and rearrange the content and design of the website for the visitor. Nowadays, a responsive website is essential for any business if it wants to grow. Even Google prefers ranking only responsive websites to give a better experience to its users. So, if your website lacks responsiveness, it’ll be hard for you to see any change in the number of people visiting your website.

You need to stay updated with current SEO trends to survive in the market. Professionals like a web designer or an SEO manager can help your business remain efficient by keeping track of the latest trends and techniques. From keeping your website mobile-oriented and rearranging the content marketing strategy according to the design of the website to focus more on customer experiences, here are some core techniques you should pay attention to.

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HTML and CSS comprise a huge part of website design and development. Therefore, they play a critical role in search engine practices. Here is how they help in improving your SEO:

  • Structured content: When the content is formatted using HTML, the search engines are better fitted to comprehend how a website and its content coordinate. By using precisely designed content, including headers and subheadings, search engines can crawl and identify the most significant information on the page.
  • Mobile-friendly: You can use CSS to create a responsive websites for the website, i.e., a website that is inclusive of being compatible with various devices. Currently, a search engine is promoting mobile-friendly responsive websites. Therefore, ensure your CSS allows it.
  • Accessibility: Trust us, HTML and CSS have the power to provide accessibility to people with disabilities. You can reach huge audiences if you use alt tags for images and add headings properly.

Web development frameworks

Web development frameworks enable developers to go right to work while avoiding the repetitive and mundane procedures needed for each project. Various web development frameworks affect the SEO of the website. Here’s how:

  1. Angular: The Angular framework uses Javascript to develop dynamic web pages. This is a client-side framework that creates fast and responsive web pages, improving a site’s loading time.
  2. Django: Django uses Python to develop various web applications. It’s a server-side web framework that has a built-in admin interface to help web developers manage and organize website content.
  3. Laravel: The Laravel framework uses PHP to create web applications. This is a server-side web development framework that has built-in caching and optimization tools to improve your website’s performance.
  4. ASP.NET : ASP.NET is a web development framework which is developed by Microsoft that helps developers to design responsive websites and applications which are responsive and scalable. Therefore companies prefer to opt for .NET Development company to leverage the best performance of the .Net framework .
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Various protocols help pass instructions and information between various devices. They impact SEO in the following ways:

  1. HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is used to encrypt the data transmitted between your browser and a website’s server. HTTPS is more secure than HTTP and Google prefers ranking websites with HTTPS.
  2. DDP: Distributed Data Protocol helps in the real-time communication between a client and a server. It’s a key indicator for improving a user’s experience on the website and allows a fast data transfer. Eventually, a good user experience helps in gaining customers and their attention on your website.
  3. REST: Representational State Transfer, being an architectural style, defines a set of constraints you can use while creating web services. It’s a preferred element to aid web applications in communicating with each other through formats like ML, JSON, and HTML.

Media Queries

Although media queries don’t directly affect a website’s SEO, they can affect your website indirectly. Media Queries are responsible for adjusting your website to various screen sizes and devices. It’s a major part of UX and Google loves to show its users websites that have proper UX design.

So, the experts use media queries for SEO techniques like optimizing mobile-first indexing. It helps in using the mobile-first index primarily to help optimize responsive websites as per mobiles. Further, media queries aids in loading website pages faster. They are used to reduce file sizes and optimize images and videos for varied devices. Thus, businesses can create such websites to rank quicker.

Responsive Images

Businesses need to use responsive images for their websites as it enables a satisfying user experience across devices. Moreover, responsive images help the website to load quickly as the images will automatically adapt their size and resolution based on the user’s device. Thus, you can also reach huge audiences and make your website accessible to people with disabilities.

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Here’s a sample CSS code to use for images:

img {

max-width: 100%;

height: auto;


In the above sample, the maximum width of the image is 100%, which will scale down automatically to fit into the width of any container. Moreover, we’ve set the height to auto which will help the image maintain its aspect ratio and prevent it from becoming distorted. Thus, if you use responsive images, you’ll improve your SEO strategy and make your visitors happy.

Don’t Get Lost in the Crowd: Use The Above SEO Technologies To Make Your Website Responsive

In today’s digital age, if you want to succeed as a business, your website has to be responsive. Your website is your identity and it creates an impression on your visitors. Besides, many people don’t make an effort to open websites specifically from their desktops. They use mobiles to search various keywords and reach brands to use their services and products.

Therefore, you should ensure that your website fits every device and screen size– from iPads to Android phones. Using the best SEO technologies like image optimization, HTML and CSS optimization, creating easy navigation, HTTPS usage, and more makes your website responsive.