Top 5 React UI Frameworks to Build Applications in 2024

A recent survey by Stack Overflow claims that from 2021 to 2022, React’s popularity increased by nearly 150% and the old-timers like ASP.NET and jQuery? Well, they’re showing some signs of aging. This is hardly shocking, and it is occurring because of the expanding component-based ecosystem of React, among other reasons.

While some people like to create their own components, others prefer libraries (see tools for component workflow mastery). In any case, the top 5 react UI frameworks component libraries and frameworks for creating exceptional apps are all listed here. Be aware that the list is provided as a helpful resource rather than being ranked. Have fun reading.

What is React?

React is an open-source, free JavaScript library also known as ReactJS. Front-end developers create user interfaces (UI) with React. The JavaScript library includes user interface (UI) components that create a website’s visual components.

Developers can create native mobile applications and single pages with React. The state management of the webpage is impacted by react code. Declarative programming is the paradigm used by the React library. Because of this, when data changes, the web page’s state also does.

React is currently the second most popular web framework, chosen by 42% of participants in another recent Stackoverflow survey. In a similar vein, React JS came in sixth place among the most popular frameworks.

With 205k stars overall on GitHub, React is also very well-liked there. Furthermore, it is preferred over alternative frameworks by well-known businesses like Instagram, Netflix, Reddit, Salesforce, and others. Moreover, React was one of the best frameworks that was widely chosen by and used by software development services in the UK! Pretty awesome, right?

What are React UI frameworks?

Developers can quickly create user interfaces (UIs) for their React-based applications by using React UI frameworks, which are libraries or collections of pre-built components. With the help of these React-based frameworks, developers can easily create user interfaces for their apps by using a variety of pre-built components like buttons, forms, tables, and navigation menus.

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In order to facilitate developers’ creation of aesthetically beautiful user interfaces, they frequently offer design guidelines as well as a unified look and feel.

Here are the top React frameworks to look at:

1. Material Kit React – GitHub stars: 5.8k | Forks: 958

It is impossible to discuss the best React UI framework without including Material Kit. Material Kit, which draws inspiration from Google’s Material Design, assembles a collection of components that prioritize consistency. This feature lets you keep your project looking and working the same way the whole time. It has structure and depth because of the layout, which resembles several sheets of paper.

A number of fundamental components are also included in the kit, including menus, badges, pagination, navigation bars, pills, and tabs in addition to sliders and buttons. Most elements’ sizes, colors, and styles can be changed with the aid of this React component library.

Modals, date-time pickers, tooltips, popovers, and carousels are features of the JavaScript elements. The Kit can be used to revamp any previous Bootstrap project in addition to being a great way to start a new one. Additionally, the Material Kit React Pro version includes a number of additional sections, components, and sample pages.

Features and benefits:

  • Allows access to the component props’ theme values
  • Open source, blazingly quick, and excellent
  • Developer-first product with a strong community in less than KB gzipped form
  • Accommodates multiple variables
  • A fluid and responsive layout with a well-coordinated user interface
  • Complies with the code’s standards
  • MIT license

2. Material UI – Github star: 85.6k | Fork: 29.5k

Pre-built material components and themes are included in Material UI (MUI) for React user interface element design. With Material UI, you can customize a plethora of components, including drop-down menus, sliders, and navigation tools. The MUI components speed up the application by adhering to Google Material Design guidelines.

Numerous tools and APIs are available in the Material UI to support the creation of native mobile apps. MUI offers interoperability between CSS-based modules and styling components, as well as automatic color changes.

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MUI is preferred over alternative frameworks by a sizable community of active front-end developers. Software developers can handle the documentation and get their questions answered with the help of the framework.

Features and benefits:

  • Reusable and customizable parts
  • Robust theming system
  • Adaptive components
  • A sizable and vibrant developer community

3. Blueprint UI – Github star: 19.7k | Fork: 2.1k

Blueprint UI is yet another well-liked mention in this list of the top React UI frameworks. This is a well-known React framework for front-end web app development that is based on CSS.

The best approach for creating user interfaces for intricate and data-rich web pages is to use blueprint UI. With 30 CSS components in its library, Blueprint UI offers options for very little coding and scripting.

Blueprint UI is all about streamlined effectiveness. No need for unnecessary frills, just a robust multi-touch interface that effortlessly elevates website and app development. The React framework’s core components are a testament to simplicity meeting excellence—tables, icons, date/time, all effortlessly woven in.

And when it comes to customization, Blueprint UI offers a tasteful array of options. It’s not about excess; it’s about refining your vision. Here we’ve got pro-grade efficiency with a hint of sophistication—because, you know, simplicity often packs the most punch.

Features and benefits:

  • Seamless user experience
  • Comprehensive and user-friendly documentation
  • Vast array of reusable elements (forms, buttons, navigation menus)
  • Compatibility across various browsers

4. Grommet – GitHub stars: 8.2k | Forks: 1k

Grommet is a CSS framework for React designed by HPE that includes component packages to help create mobile websites that are easy to use and responsive. Grommet has a simple, modular design, excellent accessibility, captivating themes, and a dynamic, colorful layout. Grommet can be used to create new projects with sophisticated themes or integrated into ones that already exist.

To help with front-end development, Grommet includes an icon component with an enormous bank of SVG icons. In addition, the Grommet library provides controls, layouts, media options, utilities, input visualization, and color schemes for UI customization.

Features and benefits:

  • Out-of-the-box support for disabled users (W3C support)
  • Offers comprehensive theming
  • Modular and adaptable design
  • Design-led methodology
  • Offers responsive components.

5. Ant Design – GitHub stars: 85.3k | Forks: 38.8k

Without Ant Design, this list of the top React UI frameworks would be lacking. Developers frequently utilize the CSS framework Ant Design for React to produce eye-catching user interface elements.

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For front-end developers, Ant Design provides a large design library, and for client developers, it provides a GUI design. React can be used directly with the framework’s components, and its design elements are easy to integrate.

Numerous themes, design components, and development tools are customizable in Ant Design.

Featuring over fifty components, the Ant Design library aids in the creation of user interfaces for high-end applications. Because of Ant Design’s adaptable features and design, more than 100 companies use it for their projects.

Features and benefits:

  • Multilingual support for global reach
  • Developer-friendly API
  • Adaptive elements adjust for the size of the screen and the device
  • Integrating TypeScript seamlessly for dependable code
  • Simple customization combined with a robust theming system

Benefits of using React UI frameworks

  • Quick and easy development
  • Unified design across all components
  • Superior components
  • Excellent compatibility across platforms
  • High usability and accessibility
  • Strong thematic framework
  • Powerful community support

In a nutshell, leveraging React-based frameworks empowers developers to craft web applications that are not just faster, but also maintain consistency, modernity, responsiveness, and accessibility. This approach leads to improved user experiences, faster development cycles, and a codebase that is both scalable and easily maintainable.

How do you choose the right React UI frameworks that work best for your projects?

React is the front-end equivalent of the rock star, right? However, choosing the ideal react UI frameworks? The true plot twist is that. Have a roadmap for your app, see what the client envisions, and assess the strength of your team before making a decision.

So why choose React? It’s actually like your magic wand for creating reusable parts, controlling the overall feel of your app with ease, and expediting processes with a virtual DOM. In addition, the vibrant community of React is like another amazing trove of benefits.

Therefore, think of it like outlining the strategy for your app. Utilize React’s exceptional abilities, understand what the client wants, and pick a framework like you’re searching for the secret sauce of your development process. Make an informed decision, then start your coding adventures!