Private Rented Properties Needs EICR Testing London

In June 2022, the United Kingdom implemented new regulations for owners related to the safety of electrical systems and equipment. The EICR Testing London for the Private Leased Sector (London) Regulations 2022 include a number of requirements relating to faster completion of inspections, safety standards and essential improvements.

The government’s aim is to force landlords who ignore these rules to take additional measures to protect the safety of their tenants. By enforcing these new laws, authorities hope to improve the private rental sector across the country and ensure housing security.


Requirements for EICR Testing London include the following obligations that landlords must meet:

  • Make sure that electrical installations are inspected and tested by qualified and competent professionals at least once every five years.
  • Get an EICR report from the inspector with the results and the next inspection date
  • Provide a copy of the above report to existing tenants or new tenants prior to the 28 day inspection.
  • Submit a copy of the report to the local authority within 7 days of the request
  • Keep a copy of the inspector’s report that can be given to future inspectors
  • Complete the repair or further investigation indicated in the report within 28 days, if specified by the inspector.
  • Provide written confirmation to tenants and local governments within 28 days of completion of additional work.
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Damaged property

The new standard will take effect on June 1, 2022 and will apply to all new tenants who move in after July 1, 2022. The requirement also applies to tenants after April 1, 2021. Agreement is reached after June 1, 2022. The rules apply to all private tenants who pay rent and occupy real estate. This includes short-term renters and owner-occupiers. Additionally, homes that are rented by multiple parties and include shared facilities are subject to the new rules. Click here for more information on tenant types.

There are exceptions for a variety of residents, such as guests, residents with leases of 7 years or more, and student housing and long-term care facilities.


Inspections and tests arranged by the owner to meet electrical safety requirements must be carried out by qualified and competent EICR Testing London. The owner of the electrical safety industry has developed a plan for qualified people to help identify the correct inspectors and testers. However, not all qualified professionals need to be members of these schemes. This means that the landlord can find non-members and have them sign a checklist to confirm their eligibility.

The electrical safety that must be met during the inspection is defined in the EICR Testing London. All electrical components with fixed properties such as wires and sockets must be checked. Devices that are permanently connected to electricity are also monitored. In particular, the inspector looks for the following potential problems:

  • Overloaded electrical equipment
  • Risk of electric shock
  • Fire hazard
  • Defects in electrical work
  • Lack of ground or connection
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The new rules do not apply to appliances such as cookers, fridges and TVs, but landlords are encouraged to regularly test the appliances they provide to their tenants. All records related to these tests must be provided to the lessee.


After the inspection, the owner will be given a report indicating the need for further inspection or maintenance work. If not, the landlord must provide a copy of the report to the tenant and, if requested, to the local authority. The following category codes are used by inspectors to indicate when additional work is required.

  • Code 1 (C1) – this code means that there is an imminent danger and a risk of injury. The owner is responsible for the maintenance.
  • Code 2 (C2) – This code means that the condition of the property may be dangerous and you need to carry out maintenance work.
  • Code 3 (C3) – This code does not require any maintenance work, but improvements are recommended to make the property more secure.
  • Further Investigation (FI) – This code means that the owner needs to carry out further investigations as soon as possible.

If repair work or further inspection is deemed necessary, the landlord must do so within 28 days. The EICR Report London may require the landlord to carry out the recommended work within a short period of time. When the work is completed, the landlord must submit a written confirmation to the tenant and local government within 28 days.

Fines and Penalties

If the local government believes that the landlord is not complying with EICR Testing London, they can issue a notice requiring corrective action. If the owner does not comply with the notice, the local government can arrange the necessary repairs and get the related costs from the owner.

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Landlords found breaching these rules can also be fined up to £30,000. The landlord can appeal the action by the local government within 21 days. According to the decision of the local government, the owner can appeal to the court of first instance.


The EICR Testing London is intended to keep private landlords in a safer environment. The government hopes that this regulation will not put more pressure on responsible landlords, but will only affect the jobs of those who have previously neglected the safety of their tenants.

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