8 Tips for Pre-Recorded Video Interviews to Impress the Recruiter

Due to their accessibility and convenience, video interviews have significantly increased in popularity in recent years. Pre-recorded video interviews provide candidates with more freedom while allowing hiring managers to speak with more candidates in a shorter amount of time. We’ll go over the basics of pre-recorded video interviews and offer advice on how to answer questions effectively on camera.

What is a pre-recorded video interviews?

An applicant records their responses to predefined questions during a pre-recorded video interview. Due to the fact that only the candidate interacts in real-time, this format is occasionally referred to as a one-way interview. Pre-recorded interviews allow recruiters to consider more prospects than possible if they had to make separate appointments to talk with each applicant. They also save time. They are used as a screening technique to determine whether applicants qualify for a live interview.

Benefits of pre-recorded video interviewing

Pre-recorded video interview software like Ducknowl has become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer several benefits for both employers and job candidates. Some of the key benefits include:


Pre-recorded video interviews allow both employers and candidates to complete the interview process at a time and place that is convenient for them, eliminating the need for scheduling conflicts or travel expenses.

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Pre-recorded video interviews can save significant amounts of time compared to traditional in-person interviews, as employers can review the interviews at their own pace and avoid the need for lengthy initial screening calls.

Improved efficiency

Pre-recorded video interviews can improve the efficiency of the hiring process by allowing employers to quickly and easily assess a large number of candidates.

Increased accessibility

Pre-recorded video interviews can increase accessibility for candidates who may have difficulty attending traditional in-person interviews due to geographic, scheduling, or other constraints.

More objective evaluations

Pre-recorded video interviews can promote more objective evaluations of candidates by allowing employers to evaluate each candidate’s responses to the same set of questions in a standardized way.

Better candidate experience

Pre-recorded video interviews can provide candidates with a more relaxed and comfortable interview experience compared to in-person interviews, allowing them to present themselves in the best possible light.

Overall, pre-recorded video interviews can be a valuable tool for both employers and candidates, offering a more efficient, flexible, and objective hiring process that can ultimately lead to better hiring decisions.

Tips for pre-recorded video interviews

1. Get ready beforehand

Do not assume that a recorded interview will be simpler than a live interview because of its format. You might be shocked to notice that when the red “recording” light turns on, your heart rate increases. Keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time to respond to each question, adding to the pressure of a ticking clock.

For this reason, it’s essential to prepare the same way you would for a phone interview with a real recruiter. Check the job description to make sure you meet all of the most important requirements. To better understand the company and have a compelling justification for wanting to work there, do some research.

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2. Set up the recording environment

Whether you like it or not, the background you choose when recording your responses may affect how the audience perceives you. Use a setting that is neutral, well-lit, distraction-free, and devoid of personal items to keep it professional. To get the framing just right, perform a few test runs on your smartphone.

To avoid having your head cut off, you should be framed from around mid-chest up, leaving adequate space at the top of the shot. If at all possible, schedule the recording for a time when the room receives natural light, which is ideal for enhancing the appearance of you and your surroundings.

3. Maintain eye contact and smile.

Despite being seated in front of a screen, you should not ignore body language. Look at the camera to create the illusion of “eye contact” with the audience, but don’t be afraid to break it up occasionally by glancing away from it or looking down at your notes.

And remember to smile, especially when discussing your qualifications for the job and your skills. A smile exudes friendliness, approachability, and authenticity—all favorable traits that contribute to a good first impression.

4. Test your technology

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, a working microphone and camera, and appropriate lighting before starting the interview. Test your technology before the interview to avoid any last-minute technical difficulties.

5. Be engaging

Speak clearly and confidently, maintain eye contact with the camera, and use natural body language. Avoid using filler words like “um” or “uh”. Be engaging, enthusiastic, and show your personality.

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6. Focus on your strengths

Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that make you a strong fit for the role. Make sure your responses are specific, relevant, and focused on what the recruiter is looking for.

7. Be prompt

There is a due date for pre-recorded video interviews; don’t leave it till the last minute to finish yours. When you don’t feel rushed, you’ll respond at your best. Additionally, you’ll have plenty of time to follow up with the recruiter to resolve any technical issues if they arise.

8. Follow-up after the interview

Send a thank you email or note after the interview to reiterate your interest in the role and thank the recruiter for their time.