What is the Position of the Gaming Industry by the End of the Year 2021?

The world of gaming witnessed a rise in the year 2020 and since then the online gaming segment have moved in an upward direction. As per the data presented by Tracxn Technologies, investment in the gaming sector have increased 108% to $ 443.3 million in the year 2021 compared to the previous year, 2020 which was $212.9 million.

As per the latest KPMG report, the online gaming industry sector was valued at Rs 13,600 crore for the year 2025 and it is also predicted to reach to the market size of Rs 29,000 crore. The primary reason for the high growth in this sector is driven by increasing smartphone usage and high and affordable internet penetration in the country.

How the pandemic acted as a boon for the gaming industry ?

When we talk about the ongoing pandemic situation the only thing which pops into our mind is all negative stuffs. But as every coin has two sides, hence there are some positive sides of the overall scenario as well. Paradoxically or not, in some ways pandemic has also brought people together.

Lockdown and restrictions made the gaming more desired to the people which lead to the upliftment of the industry. The economic disturbance which was caused by the pandemic didn’t even affect the gaming sector as per the report of “The Washington Post”. During the pandemic the gaming sector have been around serving as an entertainer not only for children but for the adults as well.

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As per one of the trusted sources, FICCI, this gaming industry has got the fastest growing segment for the fourth year in a row and it is also one of the largest industries under the sub category of media and entertainment sector.

It is one such industry which is burgeoning at the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.9%.

Does this industry requires more manpower?

Do you know as per “ Financial Express” about 39% of employers says that skills shortage is the leading reason for vacancies in organization’s. A large division on traditional graduates is unable to match the other industry expectations, do you know why? It is due to the gap between existent skill set and required amount of skill set. There are several game development and game designing courses that can help an individual to shape their future.

Our answer to this question would be “ UNDOUBTEDLY YES!!!”, this industry craves for more manpower. Gaming industry is such a lucrative industry that is craving for properly trained game developers, game designers or game artists.

As per Deccan Herald, the online gaming segment could offer employment to over 40,000 skilled game professionals. As this sector requires more manpower so the employment opportunity for those who wants to get a job instantly after the completion of their specific courses or programs in game designing, game developing can opt for this industry.

What is the future of gaming industry?

This industry have become more prevalent in recent times. Majority people find online games stunning and an engaging and also a modest way to find find leisure time from their manic schedule. Moreover as we have mentioned earlier that during the pandemic, the inclination towards gaming have increased in an enthralling way.

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Famous companies such as Nintendo and Tencent have witnessed sore in their sales during the first quarter. The demand for this industry will remain tenacious even in the upcoming years. As per KPMG report, the online gaming market has risen form $870 million to over $1 billion. Hence, There are lots of options for you to choose in this industry.

Red Apple Learning have already taken the initiative to give an impetus training to the students who are aspiring to become game designers, game developers and Animators as well. Their program will serve as a great opportunity for the job aspirants. Most importantly courses are designed in accordance with the requirements of the companies who are stalwarts in developing and designing games. So, the students will get overall ready to join the lucrative gaming industry.

You have chosen the right career option. The industry is booming with opportunities, you just have to grab it with your passion and dedication.