Difference Between OTT And Video On Demand Platforms

Gone are those days when people were dependent on satellite TVs to get the broadcast of their favorite shows and movies. Today everything is revolutionized and heavily infused with the holy mother “Technology.” In this era, watching your favorite TV shows, movies, and live shows is just a click away.

This is where the platforms like YouTube and Netflix take the role. These are the ones that are fantastic examples of OTT video on demand platforms terms. As common as these terms are, they still bring some confusion when it comes to telling the difference between these two.

With that being said, we will discuss these terms here and try to clear the confusion between an OTT and VOD platform. Let’s read along.

What Is A VOD Platform?

VOD which means Video on Demand lets you watch or stream videos on demand. In simple words, when you can watch a video, movie, or TV show whenever you want and from wherever you want using an internet or satellite connection, this means you are watching on demand.

YouTube being a perfect example of this allows you to watch the uploaded content anytime from anywhere. Not just the entertainment niche but all other niches are available on a VOD platform. If the video is prerecorded or has been uploaded on the platform, you can stream it anytime; you can also download it and watch it later.

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What Is An OTT Plaform?

OTT means Over-the-Top as its name implies. It means a platform that provides you with streaming services by going over the top or over the traditional methods of watching content. To watch OTT content, you do not need to have cable TV; only an internet connection is required.

Other than streaming videos, you can also use an OTT platform to listen to audio such as podcasts and to view a live session. Netflix comes as a perfect example of an OTT platform. With an OTT, you can stream videos, live sessions, and podcasts from anywhere and anytime if you have an active internet connection. You can also download the content except for the live sessions and can watch it later without the internet.

The Differences Between VOD And OTT?

Now that we have discussed both VOD and OTT separately, it’s time to differentiate between them to have a clear idea about how they both are separate from each other.

  • Talking about the Video on Demand Platforms, offer a broader spectrum when it comes to content; they cover many industries and sectors. On the other hand, OTTs are more focused on the content that is in trend or on which the consumers focus the most.
  • A VOD platform does not display live sessions and you can only stream it if the session is uploaded on the platform or prerecorded. An OTT however allows you to stream a live session as it happens in real time, but it doesn’t allow you to download those live sessions.
  • With an OTT, you will have the flexibility to stream live matches and music concerts which is not a facility with VOD unless the session is recorded and uploaded on the platform.
  • A VOD platform only allows videos to stream. An OTT includes videos as well as audio to stream or listen to.
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How Does This Difference Affect Your Business?

Those who are in the video monetization industry should not stress about the differences much. However it’s always a great idea to know the differences between VOD and OTT, so you can decide whether to opt for an OTT or VOD. You can also change the terms interchangeably unless live telecasts are the only part of your business.

Revenue Models Of VOD

Difference Between OTT And Video On Demand Platforms 2

Once you have decided to go with VOD streaming platforms, you can release a recorded event or videos to let your consumers stream them. In this case, you can make revenue using different VOD earning models.

Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD)

This is the most common form of earning revenue through VOD. When you switch to this model, your viewers pay a certain subscription fee and get unlimited access for a certain amount of time. This makes the viewers watch the video content whenever they want using their devices without having interruption by any commercials. This model ensures you the earnings regardless of how much streaming the viewers do.

Ad-Based Video on Demand (AVOD)

AVOD model lets you earn through running ads on your videos. This technique enables the viewers to stream the content free of cost but it makes you revenue through the ads you run. Also, the ads are displayed as per the demographics of the viewer.

Viewers are more attracted to streaming platforms that are free of cost even when they have to see a few ads in between. This is the reason why you can consider signing up for the AVOD model as no consumer wants to pay for every single streaming platform they use and they mostly check for free platforms.

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Transaction Video on Demand (TVOD)

TVOD is still rising on the horizon and it is not the most common revenue model. The TVOD allows the viewers to pay a one-time fee to own the piece or keep it as a rental for some time; some in-demand sports or boxing matches can be examples when you can utilize the TVOD model.


What is the difference between OTT and VOD?

OTT provides both video and audio content; it offers movies, music, podcasts, live videos, etc. VOD allows you to stream only videos that are prerecorded or uploaded; it does not provide audios and live sessions.

Why should a business choose VOD streaming?

If you want to earn revenue by providing your viewers with prerecorded videos, VOD is the best option. These videos will be streamed online using the internet without any broadcasting schedule.

How to start with a VOD streaming service?

First, you need to choose your niche and then choose a streaming platform to acquire the streaming rights. Select from the available revenue models and start streaming for the viewers.

What are the types of revenue models available?

There are majorly three revenue models through which you can earn while providing video content to your viewers. These are Subscription video on demand, Advertising video on demand, and Transactional video on demand.

What are the limitations of VOD and OTT?

People who do not have a stable internet connection might not enjoy a smooth streaming experience.